Counselling and Coaching

You are priceless and worthy of living optimally

If you have concerns with stress, anxiety, grief, living loss, self-abandonment, spirituality, self-esteem, stage-of-life, transitions, cult-like experiences, or things that are overwhelming, reach out.

I am a Registered Therapeutic Councellor and my appraoch is person centered and somatic. Relational Somatic Therapy is a relationally-based, body-and-emotionally-focused therapy that serves to heal relational and traumatic wounding.

I provide a safe and supportive space of loving kindness for you to attune to yourself, navigate your healing journey and achieve better health and well-being. Great things grow from the inside. Together we create the right environment to realize that greatness.

We are all unique and ever evolving expressions of life. We are looking to be our authentic selves and connected to our core essence, ~ Spark of Life ~ an internal guidance system that illuminates inner wisdom and leads us through experiences that nurture, inform and evolve us. Sometimes when we are faced with overwhelming experiences our connection is displaced, and we unconsciously adapt to survive in ways that inhibit well-being. We can be free from adaptatiions that get wired into our brain and nervous system so we can live life more fully. You can experience more joyfull relationships with self and others, sovereignty, abundance, empowerment, purpose and inner peace.

Toinya Fominoff

I am a Registered Therapeutic Counselor (RTC #3115) Glimpses of my studies Diploma in Professional Counselling Skills ~ Orca Institute Certificate in Relational Somatic Therapy ~ Opening to Grace Life Coach ~ Certified Coaches Federation Yoga Teacher ~ PatanjaliYogaCenter Reiki ~ Phyllis Lei Furumoto Bethel Fei Other Training Grief Counselling Ancestral Healing Studies Collective Trauma Healing Nonviolent Studies Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping Life is continuously evolving and I am too! To live authentically, embodying body, heart, mind and soul with spirit, is a lifelong study and I love to learn! I have profound love and appreciation for Life, and its evolution. Nature brings me great joy and inspires me to express my love creatively. I enjoy being with and listening to nature, yoga, songwriting, writing, singing, up-cycling, designing, sewing, painting, dancing, playing with the family, wild-crafting and gardening. I love learning and am an eternal student looking through a lens of curiosity and wonder. I have been drawn to do this work looking for ways to mend and heal the fractured parts. ​I was born into a lineage for whom living life was a spiritual practice. Honoring the Spark of Life ~ the inherent ever-evolving intelligence, that guides the unfolding of our becoming, was a way of life. Like many peoples, my ancestors experienced overt and covert systemic oppression. The power over dynamic divides us from our essence and disconnects humanity from their human dignity. Traumatic events can create a wedge that fragment parts of us. It becomes part of the air we breathe when we are born into this world. We adapt to survive and these adaptations recreate patterns individually, collectively and ancestrally. They play on like a broken record if not seen, listened to, understood and restored to its original movement. This set me on a quest for understanding, mending and healing. I love doing this work because I know what it is like to feel disconnected, hope for things to get better and feel the difference when they do. I also experience the benefits of good therapists and counsellors. I value Love and its attributes; patience, kindness, generosity, humbleness, courtesy, altruism, good-temperedness, guilelessness, sincerity, gratitude, endurance, forgiveness and courage. I work to cultivate these values in my field. ​ ​

Send me an email and we can set up a day and time to meet for your free initial 15 minute consultation. 

1 hour = $125.00 

There is a space for those with low income/student. Please inquire if you need.
I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. I understand there are emergency situations that can happen and I offer one grace within a 6 month period. 
To honor our time and space to work together please arrive on time. 

I look forward to meeting you.


  • Nelson, British Columbia, Canada

518 Lake St. Nelson B.C. Canada